
  1. 4. try to catch me
  2. 5. the king
  3. 6. construction worker
  4. 7. cuddley bamboo eater
  5. 9. king of snakes
  6. 10. largest bird that cant fly
  7. 14. jaws
  8. 15. tony the _______
  9. 17. largest swimming mammal
  10. 19. trash panda
  1. 1. blue tongue
  2. 2. alaskan girzzly
  3. 3. slowness is my specialty
  4. 7. emperor
  5. 8. silverback
  6. 11. pirate pal
  7. 12. imma hoot!
  8. 13. white grey black with horns
  9. 16. its electric
  10. 18. hungry hungry