  1. 6. this animal eats grass and humans use it to travel on it.
  2. 8. fat and pink animal, humans consume its meat.
  3. 9. animal that has a very long neck and is yellow.
  4. 11. green reptile that is long with large tusks.
  5. 13. this animal is white and looks like cotton.
  6. 16. cheese is made from the milk of this animal.
  7. 17. this animal sings in the morning, and lays eggs.
  8. 18. aquatic animal that likes to jump and is very intelligent.
  9. 19. animal that likes to eat decomposing products. a lot of humans don't want it.
  10. 20. bird that can fly very high
  1. 1. this animal is small and loves nuts.
  2. 2. this animal is fierce and they call it the king of the jungle.
  3. 3. aquatic animal that is very large and dangerous.
  4. 4. animal that is man's best friend. They are faithful to their master and very playful.
  5. 5. animal that has wings, and is the most common to find on the streets of the world.
  6. 7. this animal has the strongest venom in the world.
  7. 10. animal that has a very long trunk and is very large.
  8. 11. this animal is in the desert
  9. 12. this animal is fierce and they call it the king of the jungle.
  10. 14. lazy, fat animal and climbs trees.
  11. 15. the offspring of man is this animal.