
  1. 3. have a long trunk
  2. 4. walk on the roofs of the houses
  3. 5. Wallows in the swamps
  4. 8. lays the biggest eggs
  5. 10. cute with long ears
  6. 11. has eight legs
  7. 12. lives in the water
  8. 16. has no legs but some have poison
  9. 17. likes to eat cheese
  10. 18. lives in the ocean and has many teeth
  1. 1. fat and very aggressive with humans
  2. 2. is considered the king of the savannah
  3. 4. likes to eat salt
  4. 5. Expert imitating voices
  5. 6. has eight tentacles
  6. 7. can fly
  7. 9. produces wool
  8. 13. means of transport
  9. 14. black and white color with stripes
  10. 15. man's best friend