
  1. 4. blood, blood, I need blood
  2. 7. kumis kucing
  3. 9. Don't touch me, my quills are sharp
  4. 10. I like sugar
  5. 13. bulu ayam
  6. 14. sisik
  7. 15. I think I'm the biggest creature in the sea
  8. 16. I have four legs and a strong tail. I like hunting in the river
  9. 18. paruh bebek
  10. 19. I'm a big animal. I have a trunk
  11. 20. sayap
  1. 1. I swim fast and I like to jump out of water
  2. 2. sirip
  3. 3. tanduk
  4. 5. I am tall and have very long neck
  5. 6. I'm an animal without legs
  6. 8. Australia is my home
  7. 11. I look like human but I live in the forest
  8. 12. I live in the desert
  9. 17. I fly and hunt at night
  10. 18. I'm an insect, small and I produce honey