- 1. invertebrates that have exoskeletons & jointed legs
- 5. animal with no internal backbone
- 7. eats/ingests other organisms for energy
- 8. the shedding of exoskeletons to grow
- 9. phylum name of vertebrates
- 11. being warm-blooded
- 14. type of symmetry arranged in a circular pattern
- 15. animal group that feeds young milk made by mammary glands
- 17. animal group that has gills as young & lungs as adults
- 19. being cold-blooded
- 20. simplest invertebrate
- 2. to regrow lost body parts
- 3. animals that have dry scaly skin & lay eggs
- 4. animal with stinging tentacles (nematocysts)
- 6. animal with an internal backbone
- 10. phyla that include snails, squid, & oysters
- 12. cell(s) have a nucleus
- 13. can move from place to place (locomote)
- 16. animal group that has scales, fins, & gills
- 18. a change in physical form from young to adult