
  1. 3. Baby Joey
  2. 8. Beats their chest
  3. 10. Fastest animal
  4. 12. Bird that cannot fly
  5. 14. Jumps from tree to tree
  6. 15. Has a trunk
  7. 18. Eat mosquitos
  8. 19. Race
  9. 21. Rolls in mud
  10. 22. King of the jungle
  1. 1. Flies at night
  2. 2. Has lots of quills
  3. 4. Pulls Santa's Sleigh
  4. 5. Very intelligent water mammal
  5. 6. Black and white stripes
  6. 7. Can change colour
  7. 9. Man's best friend
  8. 11. A pet that runs on a wheel
  9. 13. Starts as a caterpillar
  10. 16. Likes to chase mice
  11. 17. Provide wool
  12. 20. Loves bananas