- 3. Baby Joey
- 8. Beats their chest
- 10. Fastest animal
- 12. Bird that cannot fly
- 14. Jumps from tree to tree
- 15. Has a trunk
- 18. Eat mosquitos
- 19. Race
- 21. Rolls in mud
- 22. King of the jungle
- 1. Flies at night
- 2. Has lots of quills
- 4. Pulls Santa's Sleigh
- 5. Very intelligent water mammal
- 6. Black and white stripes
- 7. Can change colour
- 9. Man's best friend
- 11. A pet that runs on a wheel
- 13. Starts as a caterpillar
- 16. Likes to chase mice
- 17. Provide wool
- 20. Loves bananas