Animals & School

  1. 2. baby dog
  2. 4. a big fish with big teeth that lives in the ocean
  3. 5. an mammal that lives in the sea or ocean; they can jump out of the water
  4. 9. baby cat
  5. 10. a bear that loves to eat bamboo; is from China
  6. 12. an animal with a hard shell that moves slowly; hates salt
  7. 13. to help someone learn; what the adults in a classroom do
  8. 15. the words on the page
  9. 16. an activity that teachers give students to practice the lesson
  10. 17. an animal found in the wild that roars loudly; his family is called a pride
  11. 18. a page on the internet that contains a lot of information; starts with www.
  12. 20. a small animal that hops around and loves to eat carrots
  1. 1. birds, kites, and planes can do this
  2. 3. a colorful bird that can speak many languages
  3. 6. a bird that cannot fly but loves to play in the snow
  4. 7. to stop and take time to rest between classes or work
  5. 8. a box that can keep or catch animals
  6. 9. an animal with a pouch that likes to jump around; lives in Australia
  7. 11. to be wrong about something
  8. 14. the largest mammal that lives in the ocean
  9. 19. an animal that sleeps upside down and flies at night