
  1. 4. A small wild animal that is related to dogs, has a bushy tail and is celver
  2. 5. Similar to a dog and that often hunts in groups
  3. 9. A wild or domestic swine
  4. 11. A bird that is raised by people for its eggs and meat
  5. 12. A large ape that has very long arms and reddish-brown hair
  6. 13. Large, wild cat that has a coat of usually yellow or orange fur and black stripes
  7. 16. Flying mammal
  8. 17. An African animal that looks like a horse and has black and white stripes covering its body
  9. 18. Has antlers if male
  10. 19. A small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet, likes to chase mice
  1. 1. The mature female of cattle
  2. 2. A small usually gray whale that has a pointed nose
  3. 3. Has a trunk
  4. 6. Has a long, thin body and no arms or legs
  5. 7. S large wild cat that has golden brown fur and that lives mainly in Africa
  6. 8. A black-and-white bird that cannot fly
  7. 10. The tallest animal, has a very long neck
  8. 14. A small animal has long ears, soft fur, and his back legs are longer than its front legs
  9. 15. You can ride on it
  10. 18. Man's best friend