
  1. 2. i am a wild dog
  2. 4. cupid shoots these
  3. 8. i am green and on the geico commercial
  4. 9. i quack
  5. 10. in the fall you rake these ups and jump into them
  6. 12. i am a very sneaky animal and get into everything
  7. 13. the state small mammal
  8. 15. i have a shell
  9. 18. what patrick lives under
  10. 19. in the show Tom and Jerry i am Jerry the ____
  11. 21. you use a gun to ___
  1. 1. i live in ponds and lakes
  2. 2. i hop and have a white tail
  3. 3. shoots bullets
  4. 5. i make webs
  5. 6. the cowboys ride me
  6. 7. you use guns to ____
  7. 11. i roar
  8. 14. you ____ animals like coyotes
  9. 16. i go bahh
  10. 17. i have four stomachs
  11. 20. shoots arrow