
  1. 2. / What is big and has cubs?
  2. 4. / What has a bill like a duck, a flat tail, and swims in creeks?
  3. 7. / What lives in the sea, swims fast, and breathes air?
  4. 10. / What likes to hop, has a pouch for a baby, and has large ears?
  5. 11. / What has big antlers?
  6. 12. / What has big ears, a long nose?
  7. 13. / What is small and jumps from place to place?
  8. 16. / What has colorful feathers, a sharp beak, and sings loudly?
  9. 17. / What swings from trees and eats bananas?
  1. 1. / What is black and white and has stripes?
  2. 2. / What flys at night, eats insects, and lives in caves?
  3. 3. / What moves very slow and sleeps a lot?
  4. 5. / What roars loudly and looks like a big cat?
  5. 6. / What is pink and stands on one leg?
  6. 8. / What has big ears and eats carrots?
  7. 9. / What has thick fur, sleeps all day, and eats gum leaves?
  8. 13. / What animal looks like a dog?
  9. 14. / What has a long neck to help it reach the leaves at the top of trees?
  10. 15. / What lives on a farm and has horns?
  11. 17. / What has a long tail and a small body with long teeth?