
  1. 1. Dogs like to chase _ _ _ _
  2. 4. The term given to a group of cheetahs
  3. 5. Sharks are made up of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. 6. No _ _ _ _ animals live in the South Pole.
  5. 8. The world's largest animal
  6. 10. Kangaroos use their _ _ _ _ for balance
  7. 11. A horse breed known for horse racing
  8. 13. An animal that can eat food from plants and other animals
  9. 14. Biggest species of the cat family
  10. 15. An adult male horse
  11. 17. A wolf makes this sound
  12. 18. _ _ _ _ _ _ always eat Eucalyptus leaves
  1. 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ lay the biggest eggs in the world
  2. 3. The term given to animals without a backbone
  3. 4. The world's fastest animal
  4. 7. Animals such as the Dodo and Tasmanian Tiger are _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  5. 9. Dolphins breathe with this
  6. 12. A dog breed known for its great size.
  7. 16. A clown fish in a movie
  8. 19. A famous beagle in comics