
  1. 2. autralian animal lives in tree
  2. 3. slithers along
  3. 6. little yellow and black thing, stings people
  4. 7. native to new zealand
  5. 8. Flying mammal
  6. 9. likes bamboo
  7. 14. big red thing
  8. 15. swims in water has fins
  9. 17. large animals, from millions of years ago
  10. 19. has humps
  1. 1. stinky animal
  2. 4. Has a trunk
  3. 5. white and black animal, like a horse
  4. 9. lives in antartica
  5. 10. Man's best friend
  6. 11. pink animal, oinks
  7. 12. small animal, has spikes
  8. 13. Large marsupial
  9. 16. yellow and black bird
  10. 18. Likes to chase mice