
  1. 4. Whales are very _____ (adjective)
  2. 6. Fishes do it constantly (verb)
  3. 8. black and white or white and black (noun)
  4. 10. They life in the sea and can jump really high (noun)
  5. 12. Sharks could be very ______ (adjective)
  6. 13. Dogs ________ with human very easily (phrasal verb)
  7. 14. Turtles walk very _____ (adjective)
  8. 16. The most similar to human (noun)
  9. 17. Frogs could have a lot of _____ colours (adjective)
  10. 20. Some birds can do it for a long time (verb)
  11. 21. Toad's girlfirend (name)
  12. 22. clownfish star film (name)
  13. 23. The monkeys _______ the trees (pharasl verb)
  1. 1. Girafes have a very _______ neck (adjective)
  2. 2. Marmmots do it in a period on the year (verb)
  3. 3. a fish in a film who forget everyting (name)
  4. 5. They like to play in the mud (noun)
  5. 7. Horses learn to do it very early (verb)
  6. 9. lion and the main protagonist of Madagascar film (name)
  7. 11. It's name on Madagascar's film is Mort (noun)
  8. 13. Birds ______ for a period of time (phrasal verbs)
  9. 15. Little deer on a film (name)
  10. 18. Squirrels do it (verb)
  11. 19. Ants never _______ working (phrasal verb)