
  1. 2. A mammal that is known for making its distinctive home a dam.
  2. 3. A cattle usually used for food
  3. 6. A large cat found in prides typically in Africa
  4. 7. Small mammal, known for eating carrots and hiding eggs on Easter.
  5. 10. A deer like mammal usually found in Africa
  6. 11. A solid hoofed mammal with a flowing tail and mane.
  7. 13. Amphibian creatures that are known for eating bugs and making leap pads
  8. 14. Used to make bacon
  9. 16. A long limbless reptile
  10. 18. Usually a pet kept for catching mice
  1. 1. Large sea mammal with a blowhole
  2. 2. A large species of seabird
  3. 3. A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat.
  4. 4. A small slow moving reptile with a shell
  5. 5. A very large solitary cat
  6. 8. Old species of monkey
  7. 9. A small domestic mammal used as a pet or for a work force
  8. 12. The U.S. national bird
  9. 15. Large dog like mammals that usually eat fish or berries
  10. 17. A Small sized invertebrate found typically anywhere except polar regions