
  1. 1. Live in water
  2. 3. Sneaky
  3. 4. I'm stinky
  4. 6. Has Large trunk
  5. 8. King of the Jungle
  6. 9. Huskies can look like
  7. 10. Love to eat bananas
  8. 12. There is a day named after me in february
  9. 14. I'm a chinese fighting fish
  10. 16. I am a talking animal
  11. 17. I like to hop
  12. 20. The first sight of me tells you spring is around the corner
  13. 22. I am known to eat tin cans
  14. 23. A mans best friend
  15. 24. I sit on my eggs
  16. 27. Very Lean meat
  17. 28. I have spots
  18. 30. I waddle
  19. 31. Easter
  20. 32. people use me for clothing
  21. 34. I am found in the corner of many homes
  22. 36. I Usually play with a beach ball at the zoo
  23. 37. They act like exactly what there name is
  24. 38. I can me made out of a rug
  1. 1. I have a dog face and a rat body
  2. 2. Tempted Eve
  3. 5. I'm pink in color
  4. 7. I am eaten alot in florida
  5. 11. Produces Milk
  6. 13. Long Neck
  7. 15. I love to eat ants
  8. 18. Wake Up Call
  9. 19. people use me for transportation
  10. 21. I love cheese
  11. 25. Black and White
  12. 26. I bury my eggs
  13. 29. I have many legs
  14. 33. I'm on the endangered species list
  15. 35. A fat unicorn
  16. 39. I have a long tail