- 1. Live in water
- 3. Sneaky
- 4. I'm stinky
- 6. Has Large trunk
- 8. King of the Jungle
- 9. Huskies can look like
- 10. Love to eat bananas
- 12. There is a day named after me in february
- 14. I'm a chinese fighting fish
- 16. I am a talking animal
- 17. I like to hop
- 20. The first sight of me tells you spring is around the corner
- 22. I am known to eat tin cans
- 23. A mans best friend
- 24. I sit on my eggs
- 27. Very Lean meat
- 28. I have spots
- 30. I waddle
- 31. Easter
- 32. people use me for clothing
- 34. I am found in the corner of many homes
- 36. I Usually play with a beach ball at the zoo
- 37. They act like exactly what there name is
- 38. I can me made out of a rug
- 1. I have a dog face and a rat body
- 2. Tempted Eve
- 5. I'm pink in color
- 7. I am eaten alot in florida
- 11. Produces Milk
- 13. Long Neck
- 15. I love to eat ants
- 18. Wake Up Call
- 19. people use me for transportation
- 21. I love cheese
- 25. Black and White
- 26. I bury my eggs
- 29. I have many legs
- 33. I'm on the endangered species list
- 35. A fat unicorn
- 39. I have a long tail