
  1. 2. with horns and makes milk
  2. 3. large and fierce have much hair
  3. 4. eight legs
  4. 6. domestic animal who likes bones
  5. 8. carnivoro with hair around the head
  6. 9. intelligent and with a long tail
  7. 11. large with trunk and eats grass
  8. 14. marine and small
  9. 17. long without hands and feet, reptile
  10. 18. marine and large,carnivore
  1. 1. green with long legs
  2. 2. reptile with a long tail and sharp teeth
  3. 3. It has wings and beak
  4. 5. ancestor of aur
  5. 7. shelled and slow
  6. 10. domestic small and hair
  7. 12. like a cat but bigger
  8. 13. eats grass and has wool
  9. 15. you can ride
  10. 16. domestic with mustachioed