
  1. 2. this is where gazelles are from
  2. 5. this is where penguins are from
  3. 7. this is the biggest animal in the sea
  4. 9. this is the slowest animal from South America
  5. 10. this is where llamas are from
  6. 11. this animal has very bad eyes and lives underground
  7. 13. this is the tallest animal
  8. 17. this is a bird that can not fly
  9. 19. this is a goose from Canada
  10. 20. this is a bird that can talk
  11. 22. this is where hedgehogs are from
  1. 1. this animal has a pocket to carry it's baby in
  2. 3. this is a black and white bear that lives in Asia
  3. 4. this is where raccoons are from
  4. 5. this is where koalas are from
  5. 6. this animal has a big mouth and can eat you
  6. 8. this is the fastest animal
  7. 12. this animal lives in North America and is in the cat family
  8. 14. this is an animal in the dog family that lives in Australia
  9. 15. this animal has two names, the other name is 'River Horse"
  10. 16. this animal has a ducks mouth and a beavers tail
  11. 18. this is where you are from
  12. 21. this animal is in the horse family