
  1. 3. Rolls around in mud
  2. 6. We eat their eggs
  3. 9. Began life as a tadpole
  4. 10. Hangs upsidedown
  5. 11. The young of a butterfly
  6. 13. Hops and has a pouch
  7. 14. Lives in soil
  8. 17. Has 8 tentacles
  9. 19. Slithers on the ground
  10. 20. Orange with stripes
  11. 22. People ride them
  1. 1. Swims in water
  2. 2. King of the jungle
  3. 4. Has a hard shell and lives in water
  4. 5. Eats bones and barks
  5. 6. Likes to chase mice
  6. 7. Has strong nippers
  7. 8. Has a trunk
  8. 12. Gives us milk
  9. 15. Loves to eat bananas
  10. 16. Attacks people in the ocean
  11. 18. Spins a web
  12. 21. Makes honey and stings