
  1. 5. __________ ______ are carnivores and live on mountains.
  2. 6. turtle _____________ live in the ocean and eat only algae.
  3. 8. Have a long sword just like a swordfish.
  4. 9. King of the pride lands.
  5. 11. Eat penguins and seals.
  6. 12. The only flying mammal.
  7. 13. ______ will eat your book, cloths, bed, lamp, soap, glasses.
  8. 14. A ______ lives in the ground and digs around
  9. 16. Eat _____ food and have claws and dogs chase them.
  10. 17. ________ are bigger than sharks.
  1. 1. ____ are common in the ocean they eat algae and other _____.
  2. 2. The name is on shoes and cars.
  3. 3. There fat and eat peanuts and live in Africa.
  4. 4. They are the kings of the jungle dumb and fat.
  5. 5. Extinct and are ancestors of the elephant.
  6. 7. Wives of lions.
  7. 10. Mans best friend.
  8. 11. A _____ leaves a slimy trail behind it and has a foot.
  9. 14. ______ are white and eat crumbs.
  10. 15. _____ live in dumpsters and eat everything.