
  1. 5. The Dromedary has how many humps (3)
  2. 6. Has the fastest metabolism (11)
  3. 8. Snoopy was this breed of dog (6)
  4. 9. Has the largest brain (5,5)
  5. 10. Skippy is one (8)
  6. 13. Name for a group of rhinoceros (5)
  7. 15. 2015 Melbourne Cup Winner (6,2,8)
  8. 17. The only continent without bees (9)
  9. 18. A cross between a Pug and a Beagle (6)
  10. 19. Fastest land snake in the world (5,5)
  11. 24. The fastest fish in the ocean (8)
  12. 25. Has the longest gestation period (7)
  13. 26. The name for a group of owls (9)
  14. 27. What animal sleeps 22 hours each day (5)
  15. 28. Deadly Australian spider (6,3)
  1. 1. An octopus has this many hearts (5)
  2. 2. The meat of a game animal (7)
  3. 3. Man's best friend (3)
  4. 4. First animal in suborbital space (6,6)
  5. 7. A flock of crows (6)
  6. 11. Native country of the duck billed platypus (9)
  7. 12. This horse won the Triple Crown in 1973 (11)
  8. 14. Flying mammal (3)
  9. 16. An animal that lives in water and on land (9)
  10. 20. Jerry's friend Tom is (3)
  11. 21. An extinct shark (9)
  12. 22. The most legs of any animal (9)
  13. 23. North Qld Cowboys mascot animal (9)