- 3. likes to repeat what you say
- 8. small brains
- 9. from kung fu panda movie
- 13. like a crocodile
- 15. bird of prey
- 16. heaviest animal on earth
- 18. big beak
- 19. very slow and lazy
- 20. close to humans
- 22. fat and causes many deaths in Africa
- 23. everywhere except Antarctica
- 26. ah ma doesn't like these
- 1. coat can disperse 70% of heat
- 2. listen when called
- 3. think of Hailey
- 4. likes to hop
- 5. we like to ride on them
- 6. largest of the cat family
- 7. jaws powerful enough to crack a turtle's shell
- 10. Santa Clause
- 11. fat and causes many deaths in Africa
- 12. like a alligator
- 14. up to 70 mph
- 16. roam 12 miles everyday
- 17. red bottom
- 20. tallest mammal on earth
- 21. likes trash cans
- 24. top African predator
- 25. fat and cuddly and furry