  1. 3. likes to repeat what you say
  2. 8. small brains
  3. 9. from kung fu panda movie
  4. 13. like a crocodile
  5. 15. bird of prey
  6. 16. heaviest animal on earth
  7. 18. big beak
  8. 19. very slow and lazy
  9. 20. close to humans
  10. 22. fat and causes many deaths in Africa
  11. 23. everywhere except Antarctica
  12. 26. ah ma doesn't like these
  1. 1. coat can disperse 70% of heat
  2. 2. listen when called
  3. 3. think of Hailey
  4. 4. likes to hop
  5. 5. we like to ride on them
  6. 6. largest of the cat family
  7. 7. jaws powerful enough to crack a turtle's shell
  8. 10. Santa Clause
  9. 11. fat and causes many deaths in Africa
  10. 12. like a alligator
  11. 14. up to 70 mph
  12. 16. roam 12 miles everyday
  13. 17. red bottom
  14. 20. tallest mammal on earth
  15. 21. likes trash cans
  16. 24. top African predator
  17. 25. fat and cuddly and furry