
  1. 2. eat carrots
  2. 7. fastest cat
  3. 8. Barks
  4. 9. big trunks
  5. 10. black and white
  6. 12. striped black and orange
  7. 13. spits in face
  8. 15. turn to butterflies
  9. 18. has a long neck
  10. 19. Eat worms
  11. 20. eats cheese
  12. 21. slithers
  13. 22. roll in mud
  14. 23. Antarctica
  1. 1. big humps
  2. 3. colourful wings
  3. 4. very slow
  4. 5. Eat ants
  5. 6. Baby Cat
  6. 11. baby frogs
  7. 14. turns pink from ingesting food
  8. 15. lay eggs
  9. 16. provide wool
  10. 17. they live in their shell