- 2. A hybrid between black and white
- 4. The horse of the seas
- 8. A predator
- 9. intelligent animal that lives in sea
- 12. The king of the galaxy
- 16. The king of pop
- 17. Powerhouse. Starts With "Y"
- 18. The king of the forest
- 21. Powerhouse. Starts With "A"
- 22. It's curly
- 24. The king of the snowland
- 26. Intelligent animal that livea in trees
- 1. Small thing
- 3. He lost his wallet today
- 5. the king of the desert
- 6. Thousandfish
- 7. The biggest mammal
- 10. The king of the seas
- 11. Long animal with sharp teeth. starts with "E"
- 13. The queen of pop
- 14. Hamster that has pig in them
- 15. Liveis in a cage. Starts with "H"
- 19. The king of the lakes
- 20. Long animal with sharp teeth
- 23. Powerhouse. Starts With "H"
- 25. Dog that is living free and good life