- 1. A very dangerous fish
- 4. It's also a very expensive car
- 6. Man's best friend
- 9. It's grey and it has a trunk
- 11. It walks sideways
- 13. It eats ants
- 14. The "Ugly Duckling" was in fact a...
- 15. It's black and it flies at night
- 16. It lays eggs
- 19. It loves cheese
- 20. The king of all animals
- 2. Australian animal that climbs trees
- 3. It likes rolling in the mud
- 5. It has a very long neck
- 6. A very intelligent fish
- 7. Likes to chase mice
- 8. Australian animal that hops
- 10. "Pink ..."
- 12. It lives in Antarctica and it has starred in a movie
- 15. It makes honey
- 16. It lives in the desert and stores water in its body
- 17. It lives in New Zealand and its name reminds you of a fruit
- 18. A very cunning animal