
  1. 2. goes oink oink
  2. 4. hopping mammal
  3. 5. eats cheese
  4. 6. goes ribbit,ribbit
  5. 9. lives in swamp
  6. 11. bigger than a monkey
  7. 12. wears a saddle
  8. 13. goes moo
  9. 14. lives in bowl of water
  10. 15. a animal that lays eggs
  11. 17. goes quack
  12. 20. an animal with a long nose
  13. 22. likes hanging from trees
  14. 23. Wisconsin state bird
  15. 24. white and black stripes
  1. 1. mans best friend
  2. 2. coated with shape needle like spines
  3. 3. big and lives in water
  4. 7. has very long neck
  5. 8. has very big pretty feathers
  6. 9. fondys mascot
  7. 10. four legged reptile
  8. 11. goes bahhh
  9. 16. goes meow
  10. 18. fastest land animal
  11. 19. sprays a bad smell
  12. 21. walks slow and has hard shell
  13. 25. biggest bird in the world