
  1. 3. This animal lives in Africa. It is big and strong and has got a horn on its nose.
  2. 5. gives us milk
  3. 6. This sea animal has a shell on its back.
  4. 8. This is a big bird with very big eyes.
  5. 10. This small animal lives in parks and forests. It has got small legs, a very big tail, and sensitive whiskers. It eats nuts
  6. 11. collect honey
  7. 12. has no legs; eats mice and rats
  8. 13. small, grey; likes cheese; some women are afraid of it; cats hunt it
  9. 15. long-necked animal
  10. 17. a lot of people don't eat its meat because they think it's a dirty animal
  1. 1. striped black with white stripes
  2. 2. Has feathers and can fly
  3. 4. This sea animal has 8 arms.
  4. 5. small, kept as a pet; its eyes glow in the dark; hunts mice
  5. 7. This animal lives near rivers. They are usually green and they have got four short legs, a strong tail, a powerful mouth with strong teeth. They can kill you and eat you.
  6. 9. the king of animals
  7. 11. big, brown; lives in forests, likes honey
  8. 12. gives us wool
  9. 14. man's best friend
  10. 16. This animal loves water and is very shy.