
  1. 1. Bakugo He's one of the students of Class 1-A in the U.A High School. He is also Midoriya's on-and-off first best friend and rival.
  2. 3. . Even if it's impossible, I want to escape with everyone. Let's figure it out! I don't want all of us to die outside. But it isn't an option to leave them behind. I want ...
  3. 4. Midoriya the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series My Hero Academia.
  4. 5. note deadly book
  5. 8. i was not suppose to die
  6. 9. i'm gonna light myself on fire to save you guys
  1. 2. promised neverland
  2. 6. is huge, especially in Japan
  3. 7. meat