
  1. 4. Ate devil fruit that made him rubbery
  2. 6. He has perfect memory, a master of martial arts, and a master at manipulation
  3. 8. Gained the breathing style, Hinokami Kagura
  4. 12. The owner of the attack titan and founding titan
  5. 13. A powerful slime who is a demon lord
  1. 1. Only needs one punch
  2. 2. His parents died when he was a baby and forced to become the vessel for a demon fox
  3. 3. "I am they all range, Atomic"
  4. 5. Searching for his father and gained friends along the way and uses nen to get Jajanken:RockPaperScissors
  5. 7. Swallowed a finger that gave him cursed energy
  6. 9. A chainsaw devil became his heart and give him the ability to grow chainsaws from his limbs
  7. 10. Achieved mastered ultra instinct
  8. 11. Ate Hair from #1 Pro hero