Anime And Manga - Tom Richards

  1. 3. The other writer of the first manga
  2. 5. Anime/manga about a world with 2 worlds in it
  3. 6. type of Japanese comic
  4. 7. Very famous manga/anime also very old
  5. 10. The first manga created (2 words in one)
  6. 12. One of the writers of the first Manga
  7. 14. Successful anime creator (first name)
  1. 1. type of Japanese Cartoon
  2. 2. The creator of Naruto (first name)
  3. 4. the word anime comes from this word.
  4. 5. A manga about 2 people who create manga
  5. 8. Popular manga and anime about a notebook
  6. 9. God of death out of the anime/manga "Death Note"
  7. 11. Popular manga and anime about ninjas
  8. 13. A knife-like weapon used in the anime Naruto.