Anime Terms

  1. 2. Costume play
  2. 4. Teacher
  3. 5. Japanese voice actor/actress
  4. 7. episodes that have no point
  5. 9. Aimed at an older male and mature audience
  6. 10. Cute
  7. 12. Aimed at an older female and mature audience
  8. 14. Original video animation
  9. 15. Aimed at a young male audience
  10. 16. Awesome
  11. 17. anime music video
  1. 1. Intended for Children
  2. 3. someone who seems cold and mean but is actually sweet
  3. 6. Short or small person
  4. 8. Highly energetic
  5. 11. Obessed fan with anime or manga
  6. 13. Respectable upperclassman/mentor
  7. 15. Aimed at a young girl audience