
  1. 2. the fourth hokage who saved the village from the nine tails fox. his nickname is yellow flash
  2. 4. a soul eater who is Maka's death scythe and friend
  3. 5. a man who trained Goku the kamahama
  4. 8. a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.
  5. 9. hero of the hidden leaf village
  6. 15. the name of the school in Soul Eater
  7. 19. a women who attack the school and used Stein
  8. 20. a super saiyan that landed on Earth and wanted to protect Earth
  9. 22. a wizard who wears armor
  10. 23. a guild that holds wizards
  11. 24. a sword master and protecter of a witch
  12. 25. the son of death and is serious about symmetry
  13. 26. the death scythe for kid and sister of Liz
  14. 28. meister for Soul and friends, is the smart girl in the Academy
  15. 29. a kid who is hyper and meister and friends with tsubaki
  16. 31. the another death scythe for Kid and the sister of patty
  1. 1. leader of team 7
  2. 3. the village hidden in the leaves
  3. 6. a ninja who betrayed the leaf village
  4. 7. son of goku
  5. 10. a girl ninja who learns medical ninjutsu
  6. 11. fire dragon slayer
  7. 12. a key wizard that joined the fairy tail guild
  8. 13. The father of Kid
  9. 14. started out as an enemy, but turned friends with Goku
  10. 16. the death scythe for Black star
  11. 17. a demon fox who destroyed the hidden leaf village and took the life of the fourth hokage
  12. 18. the man in haven who owns a monkey named bubbles
  13. 21. a namek who trained gohan and made friends with goku
  14. 27. a ice magic wizard
  15. 30. a mad scientist who became a teacher at Death Weapon Meister Academy