Anime/Musicals/Harry Potter

  1. 5. Asuna's love interest
  2. 6. The name of Kirito's first guild
  3. 8. WERK!
  4. 10. acts before thinking. Is a "hot-headed pyro/salamander"
  5. 12. A group of Hogwarts students who banned together to learn magic because the teachers were awful
  6. 13. Etherious Natsu Dragneel
  7. 14. Natsu's brother
  8. 15. Deku's Quirk
  9. 16. Cinnamon Bun Boi
  1. 1. He Who Must Not Be Named
  2. 2. Michael's Catch Phrase
  3. 3. Worst ship in Fairy Tail
  4. 4. RE-IN-VEN-TION!
  5. 7. The SAO castle
  6. 9. the best ship in My Hero Academia
  7. 11. Yellow Hogwarts House