ANL-3010: Reading 5 (What My Bones Knew)

  1. 2. The highest point or peak
  2. 5. Harmless or not likely to offend
  3. 8. I have been saving my $, so I can splurge on a diamond ring this Christmas
  4. 9. To shout or yell loudly
  5. 12. The act if of trapping and confronting someone.
  6. 13. To worry or be anxious about something.
  7. 15. My students get top grades because they always _____ to grammar rules.
  8. 16. I can't stand to see a little baby _____... I wan them to look happy!
  1. 1. To move quickly, often with a sense of urgency
  2. 3. Having private knowledge about something.
  3. 4. To search through a place wildly, causing disorder
  4. 6. A librarian might ______ people who are talking.
  5. 7. Expression: Free someone from a responsibility or punishment
  6. 8. Another way to say not enough
  7. 10. Donald Trump wants his MAGA ______ to storm the capital again.
  8. 11. The brave knight could _____ for himself.
  9. 14. As a noun, this is found in a cemetery; as an adjective, it means very serious.