Anna and Anthony

  1. 4. Anna's musical instrument.
  2. 6. Our dog who can climb a 6ft fence.
  3. 7. Best Man
  4. 12. Anthony's college mascot
  5. 13. Our first overseas trip location
  6. 16. Our first date town
  7. 18. Anna's college mascot
  8. 19. The color of our car.
  9. 21. Our high school competitive sport.
  10. 22. Anna's dinner of choice
  11. 23. Anna's winter sport
  12. 24. Maid of Honor
  13. 25. Anthony's musical instrument
  1. 1. Anthony's Winter Sport
  2. 2. The Bowes' fishing vacation.
  3. 3. Our largest rabbit.
  4. 5. Our current town.
  5. 6. Beulah's Breed
  6. 8. Anthony's childhood street.
  7. 9. Anna's Hometown.
  8. 10. Our Sunday afternoon hobby
  9. 11. Young Anthony's dream job.
  10. 14. Original Good Boy
  11. 15. Wedding venue location.
  12. 17. Our neediest dog.
  13. 20. Young Anna's favorite dance.