Annabel Lee and Edgar Allan Poe

  1. 1. Finish the line: "In a kingdom by the ..."
  2. 4. Vocabulary word meaning a small room or monument, cut in a rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried
  3. 8. Name of disease that killed Poe's mother and wife
  4. 12. Name of the author who wrote the poem "Annabel Lee"
  5. 14. Name of the person who influenced the poem "Annabel Lee"
  6. 16. This is the name of the poetic device that uses symbols to signify ideas and qualities, giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal meanings
  7. 18. Name of Poe's mother
  8. 19. Number of times the word "love" was repeated throughout the poem
  9. 20. This is the name of the poetic device that is an indirect reference of a person, place, thing or idea of a historical, cultural, political, or literary significance
  10. 21. Five letter word that begins with "g" and relates to the theme of the poem
  1. 2. The line "But we loved with a love that was more than love" utilizes this poetic device
  2. 3. The feeling that Edgar Allan Poe felt after his wife died
  3. 5. Four letter word that relates to theme of the poem
  4. 6. Month that Edgar Allan Poe was born
  5. 7. Vocabulary word meaning separate, divide(something)
  6. 9. Five letter word that begins with "d" and relates to the theme of the poem
  7. 10. Name of Edgar Allan Poe's last poem that he ever wrote
  8. 11. Point of view that the poem was written in
  9. 13. The line "the wind came out of a cloud by night, chilling and killing my Annabel Lee" utilizes this poetic device
  10. 15. This is the name of the poetic device that repeats certain lines or words to add emphasis
  11. 16. Vocabulary word meaning angelic beings, heavenly beings
  12. 17. The line "The angels, not half so happy in heaven, went envying her and me-Yes!-that was the reason..." utilizes this poetic device