Anna's Dirty Thirty

  1. 6. What is the mascot of Anna's undergrad school?
  2. 7. What iconic haircut did Anna have as a child?
  3. 10. What recipe did Anna "invent" as a child?
  4. 12. What sports team did Anna manage in college?
  5. 13. Growing up, what genre of music did Anna fall asleep to?
  6. 14. What was Anna's Halloween costume in 2018?
  7. 16. What kind of car does Anna have?
  8. 19. What song did Anna claim will be her wedding song one day?
  9. 20. What color did Anna recently paint her bathroom?
  10. 22. When they named her, what did Deb & Tom intend for Anna to go by?
  11. 23. During which season did Anna buy her first home?
  12. 25. Who is Anna's godson?
  13. 26. Anna's first full sentence was "You don't _________ me"
  14. 28. Out of anger at Molly for spending too much time with her friends, Anna once ___ ___ in the ___ of Molly's ___?
  15. 30. What was Anna's original Twitter handle?
  1. 1. Where did Anna stab herself with a fork?
  2. 2. Should Anna move back to the DC area?
  3. 3. Which color has Anna dyed her hair?
  4. 4. Who is Anna's favorite sister?
  5. 5. What was Anna's favorite fashion brand in middle school?
  6. 8. What is Anna's favorite beer? (beer is a loose term)
  7. 9. Anna's first CD was by which artist?
  8. 11. What is Anna's cat named?
  9. 15. Which body part is on Anna's shower curtain?
  10. 17. Which pro sports team did Anna work for?
  11. 18. What car did Anna drive in high school?
  12. 21. What type of band did Anna manage in high school?
  13. 24. What common household consumable does Anna claim to be allergic to?
  14. 27. What YouTube show did Anna binge during quarantine?
  15. 29. What sports team did Anna manage in high school?