Annie's Baby Shower

  1. 1. A newborn baby urinates about every _____ minutes.
  2. 3. Babies have three times as many of these buds in their mouths than adults.
  3. 5. This is the official term for raising the pitch of your voice when talking to babies.
  4. 8. Medieval practice of wrapping a baby tightly so its arms and legs grow straight.
  5. 9. The protein that keeps a baby's skull from fusing.
  6. 10. These bones do not develop in a baby until around six months of age.
  7. 11. The inner part of this sensory organ is fully developed by the fifth month of pregnancy.
  1. 1. A baby is born in the world every ____ seconds.
  2. 2. While still in the womb, babies begin to learn this.
  3. 4. A newborn baby can support its entire weight doing this with its hand.
  4. 5. More of these are born each year than females.
  5. 6. If a baby is born with this, he/she is likely to lose if by four months of age.
  6. 7. Fewer babies are born on this day of the week than any other.
  7. 8. A baby can identify its mother, and a mother can identify her baby by this silent trait.