Annie's Math Crossword

  1. 1. a number multiplied by itself
  2. 4. a list of numbers
  3. 7. slope intercept form
  4. 9. if the product is zero one of the numbers is too
  5. 10. a u shaped line
  6. 11. a different name for an x-intercept
  7. 13. a straight line
  8. 14. out teacher for math
  9. 18. ax^2+bx+c
  10. 19. the class containing numbers
  11. 20. multiple equations in a system
  12. 21. the math class we take
  1. 2. x=-b+/- the square root of b^2-4ac all over 2a
  2. 3. a(x-h)^2+k
  3. 5. (x+a)(x+b)
  4. 6. a curve formed from an intersection of a straight line
  5. 7. a number on the y line
  6. 8. a number on the x line
  7. 12. a curved line
  8. 15. the distance a number is from zero
  9. 16. the highest or lowest point on a parabola
  10. 17. a certain number in an equation