Annual Diabetic Review

  1. 3. High blood glucose
  2. 5. A diet high in this mineral can cause hypertension
  3. 8. Damage to blood vessels at the back of the eye as a result of high blood glucose
  4. 9. Helps control blood glucose levels. Includes oral and injected versions
  5. 10. The drug most commonly prescribed first for Type 2 diabetes
  6. 12. A blood glucose level of below 4mmol/L
  7. 13. The organs affected by diabetic nephropathy
  1. 1. Reduced blood flow to the feet can make cuts and blisters heal slowly, causing serious [...]
  2. 2. DKA is short for this complication of diabetes
  3. 4. Excessive thirst due to dehydration
  4. 6. The group of medicines that act to lower cholesterol in the blood
  5. 7. Most common test to check blood glucose at home
  6. 11. A test which checks the average blood glucose levels across 3 months