Annular eclipse:

  1. 3. It refers to the percentage of the Sun's surface that is covered by the Moon during a solar eclipse.
  2. 8. It occurs when only a portion of the Sun is covered by the Moon during a solar eclipse.
  3. 10. bands are faint, wavy lines of alternating light and dark that can sometimes be seen on the ground just before and after a total solar eclipse.
  4. 11. shadows are the shadows cast by the Moon on the Earth's surface during a solar eclipse.
  5. 12. refers to the period of time during a total solar eclipse when the Sun is completely covered by the Moon, and the corona is visible.
  6. 13. The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere, which is visible as a faint, pearly-white halo during a total solar eclipse.
  7. 14. It's the layer of the Sun's atmosphere located above the photosphere. It's known for its reddish color and is visible during a total solar eclipse.
  8. 15. It's when the Moon is directly in front of the Sun but appears smaller, creating a "ring of fire" effect.
  9. 17. sunspot cycle is a periodic variation in the number of sunspots on the Sun, with a typical cycle length of about 11 years.
  10. 19. It's the moment when the Moon completely moves away from the edge of the Sun, marking the end of a solar eclipse.
  11. 22. is the darkest part of a shadow during an eclipse, where the light source is completely blocked.
  12. 25. It's a period of time when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align in such a way that solar and lunar eclipses can occur.
  13. 27. The ecliptic is the apparent path that the Sun follows in the sky as seen from Earth.
  14. 28. are dark areas on the surface of the Sun that are cooler than the surrounding areas and often appear in pairs or groups.
  15. 29. It's a brilliant burst of light resembling a diamond ring that occurs just before and after a total solar eclipse when only a small portion of the Sun is visible.
  1. 1. contact is the moment during a solar eclipse when the Moon's disk is fully within the disk of the Sun.
  2. 2. It's a measure of the size of an eclipse, representing the fraction of the Sun's diameter covered by the Moon during a solar eclipse.
  3. 4. It's the visible surface of the Sun, emitting the light
  4. 5. beads: These are the sparkling points of light that can be seen around the Moon's edge just before and after a total solar eclipse.
  5. 6. is someone who is enthusiastic about observing and experiencing total solar eclipses.
  6. 7. It's the moment when the Moon first touches the edge of the Sun during a solar eclipse.
  7. 9. It's the region of a shadow during an eclipse where the light source is only partially covered, resulting in a partial shadow.
  8. 16. eclipse is when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, creating a temporary darkness during the day.
  9. 18. is a period of approximately 18 years and 11 days, which is the time between repetitions of similar eclipses.
  10. 20. It's a rare type of eclipse that transitions between an annular and a total eclipse along its path.
  11. 21. contact is the moment during a solar eclipse when the Moon's disk is no longer touching the disk of the Sun.
  12. 23. It's the phase of the Moon when it is not visible from Earth because it is positioned between the Earth and the Sun.
  13. 24. It's the outer, lighter part of a shadow during an eclipse where some sunlight is still visible.
  14. 26. is the visible surface of the Sun, emitting the light that we see. prominence is a large, bright, and often loop-shaped feature that extends outward from the Sun's surface.