ANS II Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 3. To postpone a motion a person must ______ on the table the current motion.
  2. 5. A motion used to change the main motion by inserting, substituting, or striking out words.
  3. 6. The number of people needed to conduct a meeting.
  4. 8. In order to stop debate on a motion to bring it to a vote you must call for __________ question.
  5. 9. Members use the motion refer to _________ when they need more information about a topic.
  6. 12. The motion Question of ________ is used on matters of comfort.
  7. 13. A _________ of the house/assembly is called when someone wants a counted vote.
  8. 14. The motion, ______ of order is used to correct a parliamentary mistake.
  1. 1. The number of votes needed for a motion that limits members abilities.
  2. 2. The motion that iniates business for a new project or some other course of action.
  3. 4. Motion used to end a meeting.
  4. 5. Motion used to change a decision made by the chair.
  5. 7. The number of votes needed that is just 1 over half the members present.
  6. 10. This mostion is used to take a break.
  7. 11. _______ debate is used to give members a specified time frame for them to discuss a motion.