ANS2L- 3.00 Anatomy & Physiology Review

  1. 3. the system that provides oxygen to tissues and removes carbon dioxide, controls temperature and voice production.
  2. 8. The front limb of the animal.
  3. 15. Energy for muscle contraction comes from this known as ATP.
  4. 16. Tube-like structures that carry blood blood to the heart from organs and tissues.
  5. 19. The tissue that holds various tissues such as bone together.
  6. 20. Muscles not under control of the animals will.
  7. 21. Also known as a breastbone.
  8. 22. Type of involuntary muscle found in the heart.
  1. 1. The upper leg bone.
  2. 2. Most meat consumed by humans is this type of muscle tissue.
  3. 4. Specialized cells that assist with the transformation of cartilage to bone.
  4. 5. The toes of an animal.
  5. 6. Blood enters the right atrium from the lower body through this. (Also known as inferior or posterior)
  6. 7. Carries oxygenated blood to the body.
  7. 9. The location of actual carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange.
  8. 10. The large spongy pinkish colored lobed organs found between the front legs of the animal.
  9. 11. Major involuntary muscle that pumps blood through the circulatory system.
  10. 12. Also known as the shoulder blade
  11. 13. The hind limb of the animal.
  12. 14. Tube-like structures that carry blood from the heart to organs and tissues throughout the body.
  13. 17. The system whose function is to protect vital body organs and give form or shape to the body.
  14. 18. The type of bone that is cylindrical in shape that support the body.