Anthony lake pokedot pugs

  1. 2. box shape device
  2. 5. the box to type on a computer
  3. 6. television
  4. 7. a portable calling device
  5. 9. a video game where duty calls
  6. 12. what you downlaod on a phone or tablet
  7. 13. a device that can play music
  8. 14. a ipod form but not a tablet k i _ _ _ _
  1. 1. controller for a box shaped device
  2. 3. a video game where there are skylanders
  3. 4. portable computer
  4. 8. what an angel wheres
  5. 10. type of fruit
  6. 11. a company that starts with t and ends with-mobile
  7. 15. a phone type that means life's good