
  1. 1. a life-threatening side effect of the lung produced by amiodarone
  2. 6. a situation in which clas I sodium channel blockers are most effective
  3. 8. extrasystolic event that is caused by calcium overload
  4. 11. reason for increased membrane potential leading to arrhythmia
  5. 12. Sodium channel blockers are more effective in ischemic tissue due to …..
  6. 14. most common side effects of anti-arrhythmic drugs
  7. 16. A drug to rapidly reduced heart rate in emergency cases (e.g. AV node reentry)
  8. 17. substance that can be used in case of acute bradycardia
  9. 18. drug that blocks the action potential in the sinus node
  10. 20. a ventricular arrythmia caused by digoxin
  11. 21. extrasystolic event that is more common in females
  1. 1. sodium channel blocker that shows particular slow dissociation from the channel
  2. 2. An antiarrhythmic drug that greatly prolongs the QRS
  3. 3. An antiarrhythmic ineffective against atrial arrhythmias
  4. 4. common pathomechanism resulting in arrhythmia
  5. 5. An antiarrhythmic that is a selective inhibitor of the cardiac pacemaker current
  6. 7. A relatively common side effect of amiodarone
  7. 9. transporter in the plasma membrane of cardiomyocytes that regulates the calcium concentration
  8. 10. the family of voltage gated ion channels that is active during phase 3 of the ventricular action potential
  9. 13. An antiarrhythmic that is drug of choice for maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation
  10. 15. substance that when consumed excessively causes tachycardia due to inhibition of adenosine receptors
  11. 19. The ion channel subtype blocked by all class I drugs