Antigone Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. "I may be blind but I can see you are making a mistake."
  2. 3. "I will do anything for the throne, even if that means cutting out family."
  3. 6. "we will punish those who commit crimes against the natural order."
  4. 8. "Curse you creon for killing my son!"
  5. 10. "I am the most beautiful woman ever to live."
  6. 11. "We represent the communities wisdom."
  7. 13. "I married my own mother!"
  8. 15. "My father will kill more than one person with his decision."
  9. 16. "We will help you attack the city of Thebes."
  10. 17. "I'm going to bury my brother no matter what happens."
  11. 18. "My own son killed my husband and proceeded to marry me, how can I live on with that."
  12. 19. "I cannot believe my own brother banished me."
  1. 1. "I rule the underworld along with my husband Hades."
  2. 4. "I only deliver bad news."
  3. 5. "I caught her red-handed trying to bury him."
  4. 7. "I have killed my own son and wife."
  5. 9. "Listen to me and my council and you will make the right choices."
  6. 12. "These gates should be able to protect themselves against Argos."
  7. 14. "What can a mere woman do?"
  8. 19. "My guard dog Cerberus guards the gates of the Underworld."