Antihypertensive drugs

  1. 4. reducing the consumption of this element decreases prevelance of hypertension
  2. 6. most important pathphysiological determinant of isolated systolic hypertension
  3. 7. hypertension is primary & mosr important cause for this disease
  4. 8. cornerstone of antihypertensive treatment
  5. 9. acute clinical manifestation of hypertension on brain alongwith transient ischaemic attack
  6. 10. hypertension without identifiable cause
  1. 1. Condition detected for diagnosis of hypertension induced renal damage
  2. 2. gold standard for measuring large artery stiffness
  3. 3. prognostic method recommended for patient with grade 1 or 2 hypertension & all hypertensive patient with diabetes
  4. 5. condition in which BP is normal outside office and elevated inside