Joe Mazur- Antiviral Drugs Puzzle

  1. 3. Viral infection commonly transmitted through saliva (kissing or sharing a drink), producing painful sores.
  2. 8. Viral liver infection largely obtained through shared syringes intended for intravenous drug use.
  3. 10. Drug used primarily to treat HIV/AIDS by inhibiting viral reproduction.
  4. 13. Drugs used to treat HIV which binds to HIV viruses, preventing reproduction.
  5. 16. Antiviral which targets a large range of viruses.
  6. 17. Sexually transmitted virus which cause genital warts and can increase the risk of cervical cancer; vaccines are available to prevent infection.
  7. 18. Drug which treats viral infections instead of bacterial infections.
  8. 20. Virus responsible for causing the common cold.
  9. 22. Sexually transmitted virus which affects T-cells of the immune system, ultimately leading to AIDS.
  10. 25. Virus which causes gastrointestinal illness, commonly seen and obtained on cruise ships.
  1. 1. Small particles of genetic material surrounded by a protein "shell", relying on infection of host cells for survival.
  2. 2. Viral infection of the throat, commonly caused by adenovirus; sore throat.
  3. 4. Type of herpes virus associated with fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and an enlarged spleen; causes mononucleosis ("mono").
  4. 5. Viral liver infection largely obtained through contaminated food and water.
  5. 6. Common antiviral used to treat influenza, also known as Xofluza.
  6. 7. Common gastrointestinal side effect when taking influenza antiviral medication.
  7. 9. Common monitoring parameter used to determine HIV treatment effectiveness.
  8. 11. Drug used to treat sores caused by chicken pox, shingles, and genital herpes.
  9. 12. Drug used to treat Hepatitis C.
  10. 13. Drugs used to treat HIV, inhibiting HIV virus reproduction by tricking the virus to use faulty building blocks during reproduction .
  11. 14. Viral infection which affects the upper respiratory system, mainly the nose. You can catch this by ignoring your mothers advice to wear a coat.
  12. 15. Common antiviral used to treat influenza, also known as Tamiflu.
  13. 19. Virus commonly spread through mosquitoes.
  14. 21. Virus which causes severe, watery dehydration, most commonly seen in children and infants.
  15. 23. An organism capable of transmitting a virus from a reservoir to a host.
  16. 24. Preventive measure used to reduce the risk of acquiring a viral infection; negative stigmas regarding conditions such as "autism" are often attributed to these.