Antonio Body Systems

  1. 2. system this system gives your body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for your organs and stores minerals
  2. 6. system this system provides adequate circulation of blood through the body
  3. 9. System this system removes excess and waste products from the body to maintain homeostasis
  4. 10. system this system is responsible for growth and development, metabolism, and reproduction
  5. 11. system this system fights germs and harmful substances
  6. 13. system this system is responsible for protecting your body from bacteria, infection, injury and sunlight.
  1. 1. system move this system is responsible for moving fresh air into your body while removing waste gases
  2. 3. system this system keeps body fluids balanced
  3. 4. system this system is responsible for pumping blood and supporting movement to lifting heavy weights or giving birth.
  4. 5. system this system is responsible for all movement
  5. 7. system this system helps reproduce and make off springs
  6. 8. system removes waste from your blood, in the form of urine
  7. 12. system this system helps all the parts of the body to communicate with others