Anzac Day

  1. 3. suffering injury or bodily harm
  2. 6. a gift, speech of praise, etc, given as an expression of gratitude toward another
  3. 7. an (artificial) flower worn on 25th April
  4. 8. synonym of courageous
  5. 12. a song that has special importance for a particular group of people or a country
  6. 14. an important achievement that earns someone great admiration, honour and praise
  7. 15. a man who belongs to the armed forces
  8. 16. a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought
  9. 18. the date of an important past event that is celebrated every year
  10. 20. the first appearance of daylight in the morning
  11. 21. people injured or killed in a serious accident or war
  12. 22. someone who in times of war is not in the army
  1. 1. an arrangement of flowers , especially in the shape of a circle, placed on graves, etc. as a sign of respect for somebody who has died
  2. 2. a time when something suddenly begins especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant
  3. 4. making someone feel full of hope or enthusiasm
  4. 5. a monument designed to preserve the memory of a person, etc
  5. 9. a memory of something
  6. 10. the act or fact of remembering
  7. 11. very great praise, honor, fame or distinction
  8. 13. a flat piece of metal with a design on it awarded for bravery
  9. 17. the number of deaths resulting from a particular cause
  10. 19. a military ceremony involving the marching of troops