Anzac Day

  1. 6. A group of people whose members are united by a real or supposed common origin and who are organized initially on a territory
  2. 7. Moment where we think about important event
  3. 9. brave act
  4. 11. historical event
  5. 13. important red flower
  6. 14. a text that tell the last wants of a deceased person
  7. 17. oversight
  8. 19. information used to promote a political cause or point of view
  9. 20. small crown we leave to honnor someone
  10. 21. a mark left on the skin or in collective memory
  11. 22. Little enlightening thing
  12. 24. Recall by ceremony the memory
  13. 25. giving ourself to the homeland
  1. 1. a set of acts, often traditional or religious, performed at a formal occasion esp. to recognize an important event, or the performing of such acts
  2. 2. pay a tribute
  3. 3. a monument commemorating those killed in a war
  4. 4. australian pastry
  5. 5. Patrimony left by a deceased person and passed on by succession
  6. 8. tells of someone
  7. 10. important landing in Turkey during WW1
  8. 12. big conflict including many countries
  9. 15. national event
  10. 16. unable to recall
  11. 18. empire opposing the Allies
  12. 23. Country to the east of Australia